  • Create & Read your e-Book
  • Anytime & Anywhere
  • Of the Publisher
  • By the Publisher
  • For the New e-Reader

EPUB Publications 3.0EPUB Content Documents 3.0EPUB Open Container Format (OCF) 3.0EPUB Media Overlays 3.0


20th Century Studios

EPUB 3 was developed pursuant to a charter approved by the IDPF Membership in May, 2010. EPUB 3.0 was approved by the IDPF membership as a final Recommended Specification effective October 11, 2011, and superseded the previous release of EPUB (2.0.1).


We are one of IDPF "Active members of the working group" at the time and now! Moreover, we contribute to improve IDPF's Enhanced Global Language Support(EGLS) in EPUB & Fixed Layout and K12

RHK Member: Jung, KangHee

Digital Publishing Platform (DPP)

New wave of eBook with smart device environments sharply changes publishing business. New digital publishing platform based on eBook3/XHTML is required to meet the strong needs on multimedia and interactivity to keep continuous market leadership. RHK Digital Publishing Platform (“DPP”) is the best fit solution to achieve rich media contents delivery for online/offline with seamless integration with legacy system.

Our Digital Publishing Platform is constituted with Contents Creation (Conversion & Authoring), Contents Management (CMS/DRM & Publishing Workflow), and Contents Delivery (Device Independent Portal, Personalized Cloud Reading, Integrated On-/Off-line Viewers) sub-platforms.


Content Authoring


RHK provide conversion service for converting QuarkXPress and InDesign (or PDF) documents to ePub2 & EPUB3 files with the best quality at reasonable price. Converter will be provided in the 2nd Stage. Conversion will be provided as a service for a while the converting rules are standardized among designers’ different design habits. (or Need to discuss customized updates from the 1st Stage)

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Convert PDF to eBook

2. SELL:

Content Delivery


CMS & DRM servers dynamically apply 2nd level DRM when the purchased license terms and conditions are submitted.

Easy to setup license policy with License Policy Server such as sales type, validity type(permanent, fixed period, dynamic(floating) period), institutional valid license term(contract period), number of license allowed (simultaneous access to each title by each institution), number of device allowed (if you allow a institutional patron may read a eBook on his/her PC at home, on iPad in subway and on Mac at office, you can define it as 5 devices allowed-- totally depends on your policy: default: 5 devices)

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3. VIEW:

Content Management


RHK provides On-/Off-line Integrated Viewer solution to decrease contents/viewer management efforts and increase user satisfaction. End user can enjoy the high quality EPUB3/XHTML service anytime & anywhere.

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Seoul Korea